Nail the sale – doing your best in tender shortlisting interviews

June 10, 2015 | Posted in: Win Tenders Bids Proposals

If your bid or proposal documents have done the job, you may find yourself with the happy problem of having to prepare for a tender shortlisting interview. Also known as “beauty parades”, such interviews are de rigueur in many procurement processes – competitive or otherwise. What’s really going on in tender shortlisting interviews? Areas of […]

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Tender readability – tips to improve your tender presentation and some tender presentation no-nos

Tender readability – tips to improve your tender presentation and some tender presentation no-nos

Tender readability remains a problem for some in the 21st century. I still see submission documents that cling to a handful of really old hat tender presentation and formatting techniques. I suspect this is because some of these ‘rules’ are viewed as being more appropriate to a ‘formal’ style of document such as a tender. […]