Start your bid on a course for success and finish a winner.
For many organisations investing in ‘full service’ external bid support or embedded consultants on day rates isn’t realistic due to a range of factors including budget, distance or time constraints.
Other times some ‘surge’ capacity is necessary, but only to help part of the bid development and complement your existing team.
JMA’s flexible delivery model means our Top’n’tail support can deliver your team the necessary strategic and practical interventions at critical junctures during the planning, development and finalisation of your tender, bid or proposal.
How JMA’s Top‘n’tail tender, bid & proposal support helps
Depending on timeframes and your team’s capacity Top’n’tail tender, bid & proposal support usually includes a mix of: bid strategy (kick-off sessions, pursuit or win clinics, final reviews); bid writing (drafting, copy editing, structural editing, refinement and reviews); bid creative (desktop publishing, presentation and graphics) and bid management (bid project plans, coordinating meetings, coordinating subject matter expert input and review processes).
In our experience most clients usually need a ‘mixture’ of overlapping bid support from those four service areas; especially at the outset, and then again during the final stages with a little bit of guidance along the way.
How JMA’s Top‘n’tail tender, bid & proposal support works
Typically for a four week turnaround (from RfX release to submission deadline) JMA’s Top’n’tail:
- Review of the RfX requirements and any other materials (your past tenders and proposals)
- Session with you and your team to ‘kick off’ the bid and strategise a ‘win’ approach
- Preparation of a response framework (in your the request formats allow) with guide notes aligned to the ‘win approach’ and other helpful hints.
WEEKS 2 & 3
- Ad hoc support ‘on demand’ and as required as you draft your tender or proposal response. Very often 15 minutes with us will save you rushing up blind alleys or progress ‘stalled’ responses.
WEEK 4 (or at least 5 business days out from deadline)
- Review of your advanced draft(s) to provide feedback on gaps, areas of improvement and other aspects to help finalise bid.
FINAL WEEK (or two business days out from deadline)
- Second and final review of (near) final tender or proposal with further last minute finishing touches.
- Standby support to help with any last minute items or technical glitches on deadline day.
Interested in JMA’s Top’n’tail tender, bid & proposal support service?
The best way is to involve JMA at the point a bid is released (or prior to release if you know it’s coming), and we can help you assess your level of resourcing and the likely scope of the bid so that you can make a decision on the level of JMA’s Top’n’tail support you would like, agree the JMA interventions that will add most value, and understand timing and your budget.
If winning business is important to your firm’s prosperity, whether to win new work or retain those hard-to-replace clients, JMA can be in your corner next time.
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Feature article
Tender readability – tips to improve your tender presentation and some tender presentation no-nos
Tender readability remains a problem for some in the 21st century. I still see submission documents that cling to a handful of really old hat tender presentation and formatting techniques. I suspect this is because some of these ‘rules’ are viewed as being more appropriate to a ‘formal’ style of document such as a tender. […]